
Creativity gets results.

And the Creative Habit gets results, habitually.


Now here's a conundrum. If doing things by habit means doing things the same way every time, and being creative is doing things differently every time, is it possible to make Creative Thinking a habit? We believe the answer is yes.

Creative Thinking is a behaviour and, like other behaviours, can be learned, practised and mastered. And when it’s done often, it’s done easily. In other words, it can become a habit.

But is it useful to make Creative Thinking a habit? No, it's essential. Because Creativity has the power to get better results. And what could be better than that?​

Getting them habitually.



What we do

At Allsorts Habit Creation, we help people develop their Creative Habit through our workshops and seminars.

And because we believe in the power of Creativity, all of our workshops are highly creative in content as well as in the delivery. That’s how we get results.